So yeah, that's my mind over there. I know I'm supposed to be working on Chapter 10, and truly I am. Honest. I'm writing inside my head. Now the challenge is getting my lazy butt up and put what's in there down on paper.
Watch me roll toward the computer...
So, yeah, my two Etsy shops are both having giveaways, and I figured why not? Why not have a giveaway over at my ArtFire shop too?
So, here's the deal. You answer the trivia question correctly by August 3, and I'll choose at random a correct answer. What do you get?
This is a good one... You'll get Part I & Part II of The Defender's Burden AND Part I of the Wings of Jericho. You heard that right. All three parts. All I ask is after you get it, that you comment somewhere (Etsy, Artfire, Plurk, Twitter, anywhere) about how you liked them. Cause I know you'll like them!
So what's the trivia question? Let's see...
Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang: Informative Blog Post #1
15 years ago