This intrepid writer needs to know.
I'm think of changing the format I offer my serial novels.
Right now, I'm offering up 4-chapter servings for each part, and I'm list them when they're ready to go (read I have no writing schedule).
I know how I am, and I know I read like a race car. If I had to wait months between parts I would lose my mind. So what I'm thinking of doing is offering 1-chapter or 2-chapter lumps at about a monthly click.
Oh, God, yes, this means I'm putting my lazy butt on a schedule. I'm committing to issuing a part a month until this crazy ride is over; what do you think?
Would you wait a month for a 2 chapter bite? Or would you like me to keep it as is with 4-chapter lumps per month? Comment below. And if you are nice and take the time to answer, I'll give you 10% off your first purchase!
In other news:
If you use Google(tm) today, you'll find out who this dude is. Today is his 232nd birthday and apparently, he's pretty important to the worlds of physics and techology. Somebody break out the Cristal(tm).